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The Problem: Millions of homeless children live on Brazil’s city streets—a killing field where a nation’s youth survive as commodities for drugs, sex, and violent crime. 

The Passion: In the late ‘80s, when Philip Smith and his father, Jack, first heard about the plight of Brazil’s street children, the children’s life expectancy amounted to three to five years. An estimated 7 to 8 million Brazilian children were on the streets—living, breathing refuse of desperately poor homes, where parents had turned to drugs, alcohol, and crime. 

The Hope:  Organized in 1991 to reclaim and parent the lost children of Brazil, Hope Unlimited was born. Over the past 30 years, reaching deeply into one life at a time, Hope Unlimited has embraced thousands of children—including their next generations. And when Hope succeeds, the cycle is broken: a child grows up to become a productive and contributing member of society. Even more importantly, they have become loving and Godly parents. Fully 92% of the boys and girls who completed the residential program at Hope Unlimited are employed today.

The Invitation: You’re invited to be an important part of this remarkable ministry. We will be hosting a special Summer Camp for the children at Hope. Please pray and ask God if He is calling you to join us, and ask Him to prepare your way. We'd love to have you join our team as we serve alongside the people of Hope to build relationships, expand our worldview, and serve the Lord together. 

Hear from the founders of Hope Unlimited


Participant Ages: Current 8th-12th Graders

Chaperones: 18+, trained and vetted

All applicants will go through an interview process and reference check prior to being accepted on the team.

Team spots are limited.

Fundraising is a required component of the High School Summer Mission Trip.

It is expected team members attend mandatory training meetings.

Participants 18+ require a background check prior to departure.


June 24