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High School Winter Retreat

High School Students!!!

Join us for a weekend retreat in the Santa Cruz Mountains with your friends!

God invites us to "be still and know that I am God." And yet, in our hurried, fast-paced, anxious world, we often struggle to simply be. We forget that we are made to be– to be human, to be connected to one another, to be more than our accomplishments and less than our mistakes, to be alive, to be loved. At our Winter Retreat, we'll invite high school students to slow down, refresh their souls, and step into that sacred invitation of the Psalms: to truly be.

Transportation to and from camp is included. More details provided after registration.

4pm Friday-2pm Monday

Early bird special $50 off if you register in December.

If you would like to request a scholarship, please fill out this form prior to registering.

January 28


February 25

Baby Baptism & Dedication