What we believe

At Menlo Church, all are welcome to attend, explore, and participate in taking steps of faith toward Christ. We recognize that doubts and questions about faith are a normal part of spiritual growth, and we do not claim to have all the answers. We do claim, however, that all the answers can be found in the person of Jesus.

Historic christian faith

We affirm the historic Christian faith as revealed in the Bible, and as expressed in a variety of confessional statements adopted over the centuries, including the Nicene Creed, the Apostles’ Creed, Westminster Confession, and other Reformed confessions.

The five “solas”

We affirm the five“solas” of the Protestant Reformation: sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christos, soli Deo Gloria (Scripture alone, Faith alone, Grace alone, Christ alone, glory to God alone).

our convictions

Our own statements of belief herein are not intended to be comprehensive of all aspects of life and faith but are a summary of and guide to our convictions as a “Jesus Church.” Our own statements of faith are always subject to the higher authority of Scripture.

The Trinity

We believe God exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that God is a being of unimaginably wonderful power, goodness, and love.


We believe God does not intend for sin and suffering to get the last word but is at work to redeem and reconcile what he has made.

The World

We believe the world exists because God created it, that it belongs to him, and therefore we should cherish and care for it.

The Bible

We believe God has revealed the truth about himself in the scriptures of the Old and New Testament, which are unique and authoritative guides in faith and in action.


We believe all human beings have dignity because they were created by God in his own image, and great worth because they are valued by God beyond our ability to measure.

Jesus Christ

We believe God has expressed himself uniquely in his Son Jesus, who lived, taught, died and rose again for our sakes. Jesus is our master and teacher and savior and friend, and now. reigns forever with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

The Fall

We believe this world also has pain and suffering because human beings have fallen and sinned, and are estranged from God, from each other, from ourselves, and from creation.

The Holy Spirit

We believe the Spirit of God is now available and can be closer to God than the air we breathe. We believe the Church is the community through which God wants to bring love, healing, and growth to the human race, to which he invites everyone who is willing to follow Jesus to join.

MEn & Women

We believe God gifts both women and men to serve in ministry, including exercising leadership gifts as elder, pastor, teacher and other ministry roles. We are an egalitarian church.

Our Hope

We live in hope because one day Jesus will return, love and justice will prevail, and God will set the world right.

have questions?

We’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about what we believe.